About Alliances


ACIOA actively forges partnerships with local ICT associations in all ten ASEAN countries to facilitate intra-regional collaborative efforts.

Through a diverse selection of allies, we aim to widen the perspective of industry players, policy makers and individuals to a global angle by raising the sharing of expertise, experience and opinions to a regional scale.

Working with our partners gives us a comprehensive understanding of the on-going efforts and obstacles on the ground in the ASEAN nations, better positioning ACIOA to structure holistic ICT development plans for the uniquely different economies. The fostering of closer ties between ICT associations across ASEAN aligns us with AEC Blueprint 2025 in the aspects of promoting ‘A Highly Integrated and Cohesive Economy’ and ‘Enhanced Connectivity and Sectoral Cooperation’.

Following the mantra of ‘Think Global, Act Local’, alliance-building brings regional citizenship to the forefront of ASEAN ICT capacity building. In line with the vision of a ‘Global ASEAN’ under the AEC Blueprint 2025, we serve as the centralized platform for communication and mutually-beneficial learning amongst private sector players and national ICT associations.

Strategic alliances will be vital in supporting the transformation of ASEAN ICT industries into highly innovative and dynamic entities capable of competing worldwide.