About this section





The ASEAN CIO Association (ACIOA) is a non-profit organisation formed in 2014 to provide the platform for greater collaboration and sharing of ICT best-practices amongst CIOs, industry leaders and public sector representatives. We recognise the immense value of business relationships in the highly technical field of information systems management, believing the development of an active community of ICT leaders is key to ASEAN’s success in the digital age.

ACIOA offers a diverse array of activities, programmes and resources to support ASEAN ICT leaders with opportunities for information sharing and education at the executive level. Through monthly meetings, annually-held ASEAN CIO Forums, strategic partnerships with regional ICT associations as well as resources like CIO Consulting and Business Bridge, we enable CIOs to build invaluable personal alliances and tap on the expertise of accomplished ASEAN ICT leaders.

We also believe in the continued professional development of our CIOs, with a number of workshops, half-yearly learning trips and an online digital library of media content and publications allowing the enhancement of skills portfolios and the enrichment of perspectives on the direction of ICT integration in business.

Our primary mission: To develop communication and information-sharing bridges across our CIO community.

Our goal: To groom a community of ICT leaders capable of leveraging technology to create and lead a ‘Smart ASEAN’ of tomorrow with world-class impact.