Uh-Oh! Effect of Cyber Security in all Critical Sectors of Thailand

Exclusive Invitation to Executive C level Roundtable Discussion

To begin the year, we are to execute the plan for 2023; but several organizations have seek out ASEAN CIO Association to look into solutions to address huge digital staff shortage particularly in cyber security field.  And there were requests on how each can operate better with the heights of threats and shortage of expertise.

One of the main cyber security trends in 2023 is the increasing sophistication and frequency of attacks, particularly those that leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning. Another trend is the growing threat of cloud security, as more organizations move their infrastructure and data to the cloud. Additionally, the pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work, creating new security challenges as more employees access corporate networks and data from home.

CIOs and CISOs must take these trends seriously because the consequences of a security breach can be devastating for an organization, including loss of sensitive data, reputational damage, legal liabilities, and financial losses. By staying aware of the latest cyber security trends and investing in the necessary technologies and practices, CISOs can help protect their organizations from potential threats and minimize the impact of a security breach if one occurs.

You are exclusively invited to a co-joint the first quarter roundtable discussion on SOAR “Security Orchestration, Automation and Response Solutions” hosted by ASEAN CIO Association, Cyber Security & Governance Chapter on 24th March 2023 at W Hotel, 1000hrs to 1230hrs followed by a networking lunch.  

Gartner defines SOAR as solutions that combine incident response, orchestration and automation, and threat intelligence platform management capabilities in a single solution. SOAR tools can be used for many security operations tasks, including:

  • To document and implement processes.
  • To support security incident management.
  • To apply machine-based assistance to human security analysts and operators.
  • To better operationalize the use of threat intelligence.

Workflows can be orchestrated via integrations with other technologies, and automated to achieve desired outcomes — example use cases include:

  • Incident triage.
  • Incident response.
  • Threat intelligence (TI) acquisition curation and management.

While many organizations have their “SOC” or “NOC”, each is faced with issues on staff shortage, complexity of digital infrastructure and transformation and not having to mentioned cyber security.

Information Technology teams are expected to keep entire organizations secure, and that means tackling the fortification and protection of complex technology environments. Each department have their software, tools, and secure credentials. With the laws recently, constant monitoring and reporting adds load to organization when they start their direction for digital transformation. And with the adoption of cloud applications, the need for cloud security adds more pressure on these teams.

ASEAN CIO Association has invited the experts in SOAR into Thailand for a deep dialogue and exchange on combating the changing digital landscape.

Our chapter president, Mr. Ng Hoo Ming will be personally leading this first quarter exchange with the support of all of you to bring the best knowledge from his years of experience together with Swimlane. For new request for additional subject of discussion, please contact Atiporn (Palm),, +66 63 196 2635.